It has been a couple busy weeks here at Hampton United Methodist Church and will continue to be. It feels like spring in the church as we see ministries growing and blossoming. We had our confirmands joining the church and becoming active members of the Family of Christ. Next week those graduating from high school will be honored with a breakfast and special recognition during worship. The children of God, brothers and sisters of Christ, moving into new ‘positions’ in the church and community. Oh, and looking forward to summer…
As the hands and feet of Jesus, who will we reach out and touch with the love of Jesus in the up coming months? In June we will be preparing, preparing for the county fair, the community parade, Vacation Bible School, a mission trip to the Heifer International Farm in Perryville, AR in addition to the routine of adult Sunday School classes, Saturday and Sunday worship, committee meetings and the ministries that go on year round in the church.
The word routine is underlined. Please, make this this summer anything but routine. Have you ever thought about the word intentional? We often have good intentions. Yet, at the end of the day, somethings have been left undone, unaccomplished, ‘whatever’. This summer tell yourself, it is not enough to have good intentions, rather be intentional as you consider where and how you will use your hands and feet for Jesus. So please, do not make this summer routine, but be intentional about coming to the church, attending worship, assisting with VBS, serving on committees, reaching out to others, those inside and outside the church. 13:32:012019-05-20 13:47:42Spring Has Sprung...
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