Worship at Beed’s Lake State Park

Sunday, September 9, 2018

9:00 AM        Sunday School

10:30 AM      Worship

11:30  AM     Grilled Hot dogs and Hamburgers, condiments and beverages will be provided

Please bring your own table service, lawn chair and a side dish or dessert.

This will be the first day back for children and youth after a break from the Sunday School schedule.  Planning fun and activities.

This is also Grandparent’s Day

Grandparents, invite your grandchildren for worship.  Grandchildren invite your grandparents for worship.


Worship at Beed’s Lake State Park

Sunday, September 9, 2018

9:00 AM        Sunday School

10:30 AM      Worship

11:30  AM     Grilled Hot dogs and Hamburgers, condiments and beverages will be provided

Please bring your own table service, lawn chair and a side dish or dessert.

This will be the first day back for children and youth after a break from the Sunday School schedule.  Planning fun and activities.