Fall Worship Schedule Begins September 8th

Sunday, September 8:

On Sunday the Hampton United Methodist Church will enjoy worship at Beed’s Lake State Park at the shelter near the beach area.  Sunday School Age Children are invited to come for the fun at 9:00 am with games and fellowship and a chance to meet your teachers.  At 10:30 am Worship will begin.  Please bring your lawn chairs.  A pot luck will be held following the service. The worship committee will provide grilled hot dogs and hamburgers.    Please bring your own table service and if you are able bring a covered dish and/or dessert.

Sunday, September 15:

Reminder:9:00 am Sunday School and 10:30 am Worship followed by fellowship.


Students, as well as, teachers are invited to bring their backpacks to worship for the Blessing of the Backpacks.  The Sunday School Singers will also share songs they sang in Vacation Bible School this summer.

Sunday, September 21:

The Heifer International Mission Team will lead worship this Sunday.  You will not want to miss hearing their mission story.

Following worship, the Heifer International Mission Team will host a potluck and share with the congregation their experiences at the Heifer International Ranch.